Icarus Modding Tools
Daedalus Loader
by edmiester777 and R3ap3r
version 1.2
- Extract V1.2.zip and copy the contents into (Icarus-Root)/Icarus/Binaries/Win64;
- Then, in that same folder, create a folder and call it "mods", this is where you'll put .dll mods (Not xinput.dll or daedalus.dll).
- The mod loader is not currently supported in dx12, so when starting Icarus, select dx11.
This project was originally a fork of an old version of
SatisfactoryModLoader but has since
transitioned to using a fork of UnrealModLoader.
Most credit should go to RusselJerome for his UnrealModLoader project
(seriously awesome software), and the amazing reverse engineers behind UnrealDumper
who have made profiles for which I've pulled offsets.
Icarus Mod Editor
by Jimk72
version 3.9
Allows creation of mods and installation into Icarus game.
Icarus Mod Manager 2 Full
by Jimk72
version 2.2.1
Full Release. Icarus Mod Manager 2.2.1 this is not backwards compatible with previous 1.6.7 or earlier versions! The folder structure has changed. Please create a new folder for this to be unzipped into. Make sure you click check for update after installed.