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the Icarus Modding Upvote Page
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264 mods displayed
Name | Author | Version | Week | Description | |
A WZG balance overhaul | Waldo | 680.0 | w117 | Easy, casual Icarus game mode. Less grind, more fun. | |
AI_Adjustments | SalJam | 1.1 | all | Wolfs attack baby deer class. Bears attack deer class. Snow wolfs attack snow rabbits (less variety in the Snow biome). Parent animals attack small predators. | |
Aberiu's Supply Crates | Aberiu | 1.0.0 | all | Add supply crates for Prometheus resouces (requires red exotics to purchase) | |
All Ammo Turret | Jimk72 | 1.0 | all | Just for fun. Has custom turret model, fires full auto, shoots every type of ammo, arrows, and bolts. Goes through lots of ammo! | |
Apex's Beetopia | Apex | 1.5.160 | all | A huge overhaul for bees and bee-related things. | |
Apex's Compact Crafting | Apex | 1.0.159 | all | Adds place-able stacks of ingots for each ingot type, each stack contains 100 ingots. | |
Apex's CureAll Tonic | Apex | 1.0.160 | all | A craftable cure-all tonic, with a pill variant. Currently, however, it only cures the 4 major afflictions that the tonics cure: Bacterial, Infections, Parasitic, and Concussions. | |
Apex's Glutton | Apex | 1.0.160 | all | Craftable tonic and tea. | |
Apex's Miasmic Protection | Apex | 1.0.160 | all | An assortment of items used to protect the prospector from miasmic damage. | |
Apex's More Seeds | Apex | 1.0.160 | all | Processing Recipes for all seeds. | |
Aurokon Industries | Aurokon | 1.0 | all | This is a straightforward mod that introduces a new workshop tab featuring 5 prefab kits. These kits exclusively contain building pieces and do not include any benches. Each kit is available for research and can be purchased with Ren. | |
BF_Shengong_Invincible | BruteForceOAP | 1.4 | w67 | Gives both Shendong Envirosuits major buffs to make you almost invincible | |
Battery Powered Storage | Jimk72 | 1.1 | all | A workshop battery powered crate to keep your food fresh! Found under Jimk Innovations tab in workshop. | |
Bear Mount | Jimk72 | 3.0 | all | Allows the raising of cubs into full grown bear mounts. Bear now eats and drinks from deployables. Fully updated to use the new talents system for mounts. Created Custom Talent tree with Bear background image and center Icon. Still can only use the standard saddle and the cargo saddle. | |
Bestiary | Venomtron | 1.1 | w117 | Increases the amount of Bestiary points (not compatible with Venomtron mod) | |
Bestiary Mega | Venomtron | 1.1 | w117 | Increases the amount of Bestiary points. 1000 points per kill/skin (not compatible with Venomtron mod) | |
Better Glass | Jimk72 | 2.0 | all | Replaces Glass from original glass building pieces. Fixed issues with destructables loosing textures. Already included with Glass Buildables. | |
Better Lights | Jimk72 | 1.2 | all | Makes the flashlight, Torch, and Lantern bright to fill the darkness. Fixed for week 127 update. | |
Better Pistol Turret | Jimk72 | 1.0 | all | Increases fire rate, increases targeting rate and turret movement, increases inventory slots, increased durability, and reduced power requirements to 1000. | |
BigBoxStack | CK_Dexterhaven | 1.4 | w104 | With this mod, you can now stack your MXC Crate, Preservation Crate, or your Deep Freeze up to 3 high. | |
Blessing of Tartarus | Critical_Fail | 1.0 | w113 | changes Underground and Pneumonia debuffs to benefits | |
Building Height Strength | Jimk72 | 2.4 | all | Changes all building materials to be stronger than concrete for super tall structures. Vers. 2.3 Fixed issue with week 96 update. | |
CARBON Paste | Cryorus | 1.0 | w95 | Putting the CARBON back into Carbon Paste | |
Camera Distance | Jimk72 | 1.0 | all | Allows the photo camera to move far away from player to get better shots. | |
Clear Photo Lens | Jimk72 | 2.0 | all | Removes Lens, frame, and text at bottom of screan for a clear view in photo mode. | |
CompoundBow Kryptic Camo | Jimk72 | 1.0 | all | This is a replacement skin for the compound bow that matches my armor skin. | |
Concrete with Wood Interior | Jimk72 | 2.6 | all | Gives more options when deploying concrete wall. Adds Interior wood option to the inside of concrete wall, door frame, window frame, double door frames. Adds option for short Interior wood beam, and Adds Iron reinforced interior wood floor. Crafted at the Machining Bench. Similar look as the reinforced door and with the strength of Stone floor. Ver 2.5 Added wall angles L,R,L Invert, R Invert, and Peak. | |
Coracks_Adlift_Hide_Map_info | Corack | 1.0 | This modifys the Adlift Module to hide the map from insertion to reboot. Upon removal it will show player position, waypoints and dropships. Useful for making things harder or for a personal family PVP session. | ||
Coracks_Adlift_Increased_Ores | Corack | 1.0 | Workshop Adlift Module now works like a pickaxe attachment and gives increased ores | ||
Coracks_Ammo_and_Repair_x100 | Corack | 3.5 | This makes all workshop ammo and the repair kit give you 100 each time you purchase. My Dedicated server has issues returning stuff to space. | ||
Coracks_Crossbows_N_Bows | Corack | 1.0 | This adds the highlight projectile function to all Crossbows and Bows. It also makes Crossbows slightly more powerful and makes progressions more linear | ||
Coracks_Expanded_Pouches | Corack | 1.0 | This changes the pouches to hold anything including more pouches. | ||
Coracks_NonVisuals | Corack | 2.5 | My verion of 250 Slots, some Stacks, Power Improvements and medium Heat/AC Range improvements. | ||
Coracks_Occasional_Weather | Corack | 8.0 | This changes all weather patterns to 4 days of mild then one day of 3 segmented generated pattern. Storms generally last 5 min approximately | ||
Coracks_Patcher1_Resources | Corack | 3.0 | This changes the Patcher 1 Module to 1 hit trees,Ores,Rocks and Bones. Plus Pneunonia resistance. Carry Capacity and Fishing Benefits. | ||
Coracks_Patcher2_Hunting | Corack | 1.0 | This changes the Patcher 2 Module to have the abilities of other available modules. Wound,Fire,Hyperthermia,Hypothermia Resistances. Highlight Animals, Movement Speed. Moount Speed. See Creatures on the map.) | ||
Coracks_Saddle_Improvements | Corack | 2.0 | This gives the DLC Saddles unique specs for the animal it's equipped onto. used Sarge_Basic_Saddle_Improvements as guide. | ||
Coracks_Tools | Corack | 1.0 | My version of tools modification to live a linear progression to all tools in the game at time of this writting | ||
Craftables | Jimk72 | 2.3 | all | Allows crafting of large statues for display in your home or patio. Includes: Windmill(5000watts), wood cupboard, interior cupboard(Resized and snaps together), metal cupboard, Statues(Large Komodo,Large Buffalo, large caveworm, Superlarge caveworm, Deer stone, Deer wood, Elephant stone) | |
Cry's Lvl 120 Cap - 100% | Cryorus | 1.0 | w95 | Raises the visible Level Cap to 120 and gives enough skill points to 100% the skill trees | |
Cry's Lvl 120 Cap - 25% | Cryorus | 1.0 | w95 | Raises the visible Level Cap to 120 and gives enough skill points to fill 25% of the skills | |
Cry's Lvl 120 Cap - 50% | Cryorus | 1.0 | w95 | Raises the visible Level Cap to 120 and gives enough skill points to fill 50% of the skills | |
Cry's Lvl 120 Cap - 75% | Cryorus | 1.0 | w95 | Raises the visible Level Cap to 120 and gives enough skill points to fill 75% of the skills | |
Custom Options Handheld | Jimk72 | 1.5 | all | Handheld that Gives you a new menu when you open it. Includes custom jump heights, double jump, tripple jump, and adjusts out of bounds timer as well as clear vegitation and clear all storms. Can clear cave worms, server compatible now. Turn Lights On/Off, Fire sources, and Find corpses added. | |
Custom Options Laptop | Jimk72 | 1.1 | all | Deployable Laptop available in the workshop under Jimk Innovations tab, that Gives you a Options menu when you open it. Includes custom jump heights, double jump, tripple jump, and adjusts out of bounds timer as well as clear vegitation and clear all storms. Can clear cave worms, server compatible now. Turn Lights On/Off, Fire sources, and Find corpses added. | |
Custom Options Menu | Jimk72 | 3.9 | all | Gives you a new menu when you right click with fists equiped. Includes custom jump heights, double jump, tripple jump, and adjusts out of bounds timer as well as clear vegitation and clear all storms. Can clear cave worms, server compatible now. Turn Lights On/Off, Fire sources, and Find corpses added. Now Pauses upon opening. | |
Custom Puck Lights | Jimk72 | 6.0 | all | Now Found in the Workshop under Jimk Innovations. Looks like a crate with Lights around it. Item that when consumed gives you a crate and 6 new types of deployable LED lights(No Power Needed). Including an Anti-Gravity light and Deployable Light switches to control them all with and various wall, floor, and ceiling lights. | |
Dark-AdvancedEnergy v1.0 | DarkAngel | 1.0 | all | Upgrades the WaterWheel, the biofuel and electric WaterPump to Advanced version on the Machining Bench. | |
Dark-Lunch Bag | DarkAngel | 1.0 | all | A Lunch Bag to carry most of your foods, the Items not spoil and can be crafted at advanced armor bench. | |
Dark-MoreHardStorms v1.0 | DarkAngel | 1.0 | all | Weather a little more...hard | |
Dark-Workshop v1.1 | DarkAngel | 1.1 | all | Workshop tab with the T5 Artemis armor, modules and some goodies .. | |
DarkDantes Wicked PickAxe and Hammer | DarkDante | 0.3 | all | Mod contains new PickAxe [Shatterspike] and Repair Tool [Oathbound Hammer] | |
Dexterlabs Panther Suit Module | CK_Dexterhaven | 1.4 | w165 | This powerful suit module replaces the Patcher I and combines characteristics of multiple modules. | |
Dextermod: Bifrost_Titanium_Crossbow | CK_Dexterhaven | 2.9 | w104 | Requires more resources to craft, hits harder and has a much higher ammo capacity. This mod replaces the vanilla Titanium Crossbow, crafted in the Fabricator, with this more expensive and powerful version. | |
Dextermod: Enhanced Tactical Backpack | CK_Dexterhaven | 2.9 | w104 | A greatly enhanced version of the Larkwell-Martinez Tactical Backpack. | |
Dextermod: One_Hit_Wonder_10 | CK_Dexterhaven | 2.9 | w104 | Enhances Peerless Lumberjack and Lucky Strike talents for a 10% higher chance of chopping trees or mining voxels in just one hit. | |
Dextermod: One_Hit_Wonder_25 | CK_Dexterhaven | 2.9 | w104 | Enhances Peerless Lumberjack and Lucky Strike talents for a 25% higher chance of chopping trees or mining voxels in just one hit. | |
Dextermod: One_Hit_Wonder_50 | CK_Dexterhaven | 2.9 | w104 | Enhances Peerless Lumberjack and Lucky Strike talents for a 50% higher chance of chopping trees or mining voxels in just one hit. | |
Dextermod: One_Hit_Wonder_65 | CK_Dexterhaven | 2.9 | w104 | Enhances Peerless Lumberjack and Lucky Strike talents for a 65% higher chance of chopping trees or mining voxels in just one hit. | |
Dextermod: Stackable Crop Plots | CK_Dexterhaven | 3.3 | w112 | All four tiers of crop plots are now stackable, up to a stack of 20. | |
Dextermod: Stronger HVAC | CK_Dexterhaven | 2.9 | w104 | This mod greatly increases the range of the Heavy Heater, the Heavy Air Conditioner, and the Dehumidifiers. | |
Dextermod: T5 Armor | CK_Dexterhaven | 2.7 | w90 | Exotic-infused upgrade to your existing Composite armor. | |
Donovan's Faster Kill Cam | Donovan | 1.0 | w61 | Halfs the critical kill cam time [Solo players only] | |
Donovan's Larger Stack Sizes | Donovan | 1.0 | w61 | Increases the stack size of wood and stone, including the craftable resource stacks | |
Donovan's More Points | Donovan | 1.0 | w61 | Increases the amount of talent and blueprint points you get per level | |
Durability | Jimk72 | 1.0 | all | Bumps the durability to 120000 for almost all items. | |
Easy Cave | Jimk72 | 1.0 | all | This prevents Caveworms from spawning and removes the cave debuff to change the game back to pre-release mode. | |
Elevators | Jimk72 | 2.2 | all | A craftable platform that will raise character 1,2,3,4,8,or 16 floors. When Deploying hold R for different variations. Must be deployed on a floor structure. Updated to use my custom floor piece from my upcoming Steel Buildables mod. | |
Experience | Venomtron | 1.0 | w117 | Intended for leveling up a new character. Just drop down to planet, and start cutting down trees.Chop Tree = 1 mill XPFell Tree = 1 mill XP | |
Extraction 10 Seconds | TheOrangeFloof | 1.0 | w160 | Decreases Exotics Extractor Time To 10 Seconds | |
Extraction 10 Seconds | Jimk72 | 2.0 | all | Changes the extraction speed to 10 seconds per ore. Updated to include all the new ores. | |
Extraction 5 Seconds | TheOrangeFloof | 1.0 | w160 | Decreases Exotics Extractor Time To 10 Seconds | |
Extraction 5 Seconds | Jimk72 | 2.0 | all | Changes the extraction speed to 5 seconds per ore. Updated to include all the new ores. | |
Extractor-Radar | Venomtron | 1.0 | w117 | Extractors & Radars can be placed in inventory | |
Eye Colors Expanded! | Bostonstrong567 | 1.0.0 | all | introduces a wider range of eye colors for your character customization in Icarus. | |
Faster Titanium | Jimk72 | 1.1 | all | Increases Titanium in the world and speeds up processing for Titanium, Steel, and Aluminum. | |
Fillable | Venomtron | 1.0 | w117 | Doubles amount held in Canteen, Oxygen tank, Jerry can & lantern (not compatible with Venomtron mod) | |
Flick Those Devices | Cryorus | 1.0 | w95 | Adds the abilit to turn some devices like the chimney or furnaces on and off with a button press just like wall torches | |
Floof LevelCap | TheOrangeFloof | 1.0 | w160 | Increases Displayed Level And Max Level, Does Not Grant Extra Points After Level 50 | |
Floofs Leveling Mod | TheOrangeFloof | 2.0 | w160 | Increases Displayed Level And Max Level, Should Grant Extra Points After Level 50 | |
Floofs ModPack | TheOrangeFloof | 54.0 | w160 | Floofs Old Modpack, Introduces A Bunch Of Changes And Overhauls To Items, Exotics, Old And Not Really Updated | |
Floofs QOL | TheOrangeFloof | 3.2 | w160 | Floofs Modpack, Introduces A Bunch Of Changes And Overhauls To Items | |
Gifts of Prometheus | Critical_Fail | 1.0 | w113 | crafting improvements, bulk recipes, item stack sizes increased, Horde Mode rewards increased, deep ore veins have higher volume and faster drill speed, power network increased, workshop tools improved, firearms and bow damage increased, arrows fly faster | |
Glass Buildables | Jimk72 | 1.2 | all | Updated original glass pieces to use new glass and steel textures and added full new tier of glass building pieces. All craftable on the glass bench. | |
Globeadue 20 Slot Dropship | globeadue | 1.0 | w78 | Sets the dropship to 20 inventory slots | |
Globeadue Husk Epoxy | globeadue | 1.0 | w78 | Adds recipe to make epoxy using 20 sap and 1 caveworm husk | |
Globeadue Iron Shotgun Shells | globeadue | 1.0 | w78 | Adds recipee to make shotgun shells with iron instead of copper | |
Globeadue MXC Toolbox | globeadue | 1.0 | w78 | Replaces the MXC Crate option in workshop with a MXC Toolbox consumable. Consuming produces a collection of the base MXC tools(axe, pick etc), a MXC Cot, Led Flashlight, a MXC crate and a MXC campfire. A bit of comet coal included for the campfire. | |
Globeadue Reploter | globeadue | 1.0 | w78 | Adds a recipe that takes a normal farm plot and outputs a normal farm plot. This allows you to apply your farm plot talents without having to destroy the farm plot and recraft it, loosing half the materials. | |
Globeadue Seed Starter | globeadue | 1.0 | w78 | This mod reimages most of the seed packet tree in the workshop. See readme for full details. | |
Globeadue Shields | globeadue | 1.0 | w78 | Adds an Aluminium Shield that is tougher than the wood shield and returns a little bit dmg back to the attacker. | |
Globeadue Wood 2 Sap | globeadue | 1.0 | w78 | Adds a recipe to the Woodcrafting bench to make sap out of wood logs. 1:3 Ratio | |
HK 417 | Jimk72 | 1.0 | all | HK_417 is a selectable semi and full auto rifle. | |
HK 417 Camo | Jimk72 | 1.0 | all | HK_417 is a selectable semi and full auto rifle. | |
HK 417 Reflex | Jimk72 | 1.0 | all | HK_417 Reflex is a selectable semi and full auto rifle with Reflex sight, Silencer, and Flashlight attached. | |
HK 417 Sienna | Jimk72 | 1.0 | all | HK_417 is a selectable semi and full auto rifle. | |
Halloween Pumpkins | Jimk72 | 1.0 | all | Allows crafting of several variations of Halloween Pumpkins to deploy around your home. | |
Harvester 1 sec | Venomtron | 1.0 | w117 | Speeds up the Harvesting of red exotics and the cleansing of them. (not compatible with Venomtron mod) | |
Harvester 5 sec | Venomtron | 1.0 | w117 | Speeds up the Harvesting of red exotics and the cleansing of them. (not compatible with Venomtron mod) | |
Improved T3&4 Tools | Cryorus | 1.0 | w95 | Making various changes to T3 & 4 Tools to make them viable up/sidegrades | |
Improved Undersuits | Critical_Fail | 1.0 | w113 | all envirouits now have 4 upgrade module slots and food slots; numerous stats improved/added to all suits | |
Increase Stacks | Jimk72 | 3.4 | all | Increases all lower stacks to 100. Ver. 3.4 Added all new Items and increased refined wood, concrete mix, and Electronics to 1000. | |
Increased Slots | Jimk72 | 2.0 | all | There are several versions people have made this is mine that I use. It bumps up a few storage and firepits storage slots. | |
Intreeg's 4XP | Intreeg | 1.2 | w109 | Quadruples experience earned. | |
Intreeg's More Resources | Intreeg | 1.5.0 | w156 | This mod increases the resources rendered from refinement reducing the need to spelunk more than a few times. Requires all DLC. See details in the README | |
Item_QOL | SalJam | 1.3 | all | Small QOL changes to reduce the grind, but also keep within the lore and not make us OP. Please view read me for full list | |
Jimk Added Deployables | Jimk72 | 1.8 | all | Ver 1.8 Updated for week 151, Removed Damage Modifiers. Contains Xtra Large Aquarium, Water Extractor, Vapor Collector, and Large Wind Turbine. All crafted on the Fabricator bench. | |
Jimk Barn Buildables | Jimk72 | 1.5 | all | Everything you need to build the Barn of your dreams! All Items are crafted on the Carpentry Bench. All new wood grain texture, roof pieces with soffet hangovers, red painted exterior, sliding barn doors, hay bales for animals to eat from, custom doors and shutters, matching fences and gate pieces, matching interior deployables, stable walls with metal bars. Ver. 1.2, Added several more roof/wall pieces, several beam options. Re did Lights. Should help with FPS | |
Jimk Fences | Jimk72 | 1.3 | all | A mod that adds several fences to the game and defensive razor wire. Has two types of wood fences each with a tall version for larger animals and chain link fencing for a more industrial look. Also includes matching gates for wood and chain link fences. Special thanks to Maxus! without his generous donation these would not be possible! | |
Jimk Foundry Remake | Jimk72 | 1.0 | all | Replaces the Foundry with a slightly smaller model with all the extra models removed so it fits in your base like all the rest of the benches. Also Reduced its weight to adjust for less equipment. | |
Jimk Garden Deployables | Jimk72 | 1.0 | all | Adds several Garden Deployables. | |
Jimk Garden Planters | Jimk72 | 1.4 | all | Adds several craftable planters to the game. Adds Craftable Exotic Planting Soil. This soil has 6 different versions that effect the plants differently. 1-Reduces plant size by 50% 2-Reduces plant size by 25% 3-Keeps standard plant size 4-Increases plant size by 150% 5-Increases plant size by 200% 6-Increases plant size by 400% The mutation prevents crops from being harvested so this is only for visual aesthetics! Fixed texture issues on concrete planters. | |
Jimk Innovations | Jimk72 | 1.6 | all | Includes the following mods:Jimk Teleporter, Custom Puck Lights, Precision Bow Workshop, Battery Powered Storage,Workshop Pistols. | |
Jimk Kryptic Camo Kit | Jimk72 | 1.1 | all | New set of Workshop Armor using custom meshes which is a combination of my 2 favorite armours, Backpack, and Precision Compound Bow. All three have Kryptic camo design. Available in the Workshop under JimK Innovations tab. Also Includes a Kryptic camo Recurve Bow craftable in the Forge/Foundry. | |
Jimk Larger Batteries | Jimk72 | 1.1 | all | Adds two new Battery racks. A double and a Quad Rack. A little cheaper to craft as they have less metal combined. These are also stackable. | |
Jimk Leveling Mod | Jimk72 | 3.3 | all | Increases Display Level to 500, Max talents at level 200. Follows games default curve. | |
Jimk Mass Storage | Jimk72 | 1.2 | all | Workshop Item found under JimK Innovations tab. When consumed gives a 100 slot storage container and a remote for accessing it when ever you are on the Planet. Can also be accessed locally. Costs 1000 Ren and 650 Exotics to research and then 50 Ren and 50 Exotics to craft. | |
Jimk Moa Upgrade | Jimk72 | 1.0 | all | Upgrades Moa and Actic Moa Talents to be faster, more storage, better to defend and have more usage! Makes fully leveling up a Moa worth it! Does not effect the base stats! | |
Jimk Multi Teleport | Jimk72 | 1.0 | all | Handheld device available from workshop tab Jimk Innovations. Allows the saving of 18 locations each for Olympus, Styx and Prometheous. Right mouse button allows you to name and save locations and left mouse button recalls those locations. | |
Jimk Precise Building Deployable | Jimk72 | 1.0 | all | Rightclick when deploying building pieces to pop up a menu that allow precise placement of pieces in relation to other pieces. Makes it easy to do round building and custom floor. | |
Jimk Prometheus Map Full | Jimk72 | 1.0 | all | Adds the missing Map image files for the Null zone in Prometheus. | |
Jimk Shotgun With Light | Jimk72 | 1.0 | all | Adds A new Trench Shotgun with a Light attachment, increases ammo to 10 and has a slightly increased rate of fire. | |
Jimk Small Electrical wires | Jimk72 | 1.0 | all | Shrinks down the electrical wire and nodes. | |
Jimk Steel Buildables | Jimk72 | 1.9 | all | Has reduced crafting costs for all items. Adds new steel building pieces crafted in the tier4 Forge. Contains Walls, Door, Double Door, Angled Wall, HalfPitches, Corner Pieces, Floors, Half Floors, Ramps, Frames, Stairs, Beams, Railings, Ladders, and a Bed. Strongest Building material in game. | |
Jimk Upright Double Freezer | Jimk72 | 1.0 | all | A Double Wide Upright Freezer. Consumes 3000 power and has 60 slots. | |
Larkwell Care Package | Begginfokillz | 2.0 | w58 | free shit | |
Larkwell Care Package | Eric | 5.0 | w149 | Adds multiple care packges to the game for use in the field. No Refunds. | |
MXC Cot | Zailfyer | 2.0.0 | all | modifyes the location and weight of the newly added MXC cot | |
Metal Cage | Jimk72 | 1.4 | all | Allows the crafting of cage building materials for animals. Ver 1.3 Updated for week 117 changes. Ver 1.4 added to fabricator. | |
Miners Beer | Skywave | 1.0 | w167 | Changes the Beer modifiers to grant 50% additional yield from mining | |
Mini Fridge | Jimk72 | 1.0 | all | Made by JimK72 & CK_Dexterhaven, an additional option for refrigeration - the stackable mini-fridge. | |
Mini Generator | Jimk72 | 1.1 | all | Replaces Biofuel generator models with a much smaller version so you can place it on top of items and allows them to be stacked. | |
Mini Map | R3ap3r | 1.0 | w60 | Adds a mini map to the right side of the screen. | |
Modules and Backpacks | Critical_Fail | 1.0 | w113 | many stat increases and changes to modules; buffalo cart has 3000kg capacity and no movement debuff, backpack stats also improved | |
More Daylight | Jimk72 | 1.0 | all | Its supposed to add more daylight hours to the game. Seems to work sometimes. | |
More DropShip Slots | Bostonstrong567 | 1.0.0 | all | increases the number of available drop ship slots to 25, allowing you to bring more resources, tools, and equipment to the mission. | |
Nilt's Food Bag | Nilt | 1.0 | w166 | Adds a bag, crafted on a textile bench, which will preserve whatever is placed inside it. Should accept all foods and plants. | |
No Poison Fish | Jimk72 | 1.0 | all | Removes poisonous fish from all bodies of water. | |
No Weather | Jimk72 | 2.2 | all | Removes all weather from game. Updated for new DLC and new Storm Systems. | |
Noxious Crust Icon Fix | Apex | 1.0.160 | all | A fix for the all the types of Noxious Crust looking the same. | |
Out Of Bounds Fix | Jimk72 | 1.0 | all | Replaces Out of Bounds UI with small Notification and Auto Pauses around 5 seconds. | |
Outdoor Stations | Critical_Fail | 1.0 | w113 | many crafting stations can now be placed outside and are immune to weather | |
Paintings Fix | Jimk72 | 1.0 | all | Fixes Paintings so they can be placed on other Deployables. | |
Pr0fInventoryExtensions | Pr0f23ss0R | 1.0 | all | 30 DropShip slots + prefilled canteen and o2 tank from the workshop | |
Pr0fPack | Pr0f23ss0R | 1.0 | all | Pr0fPack, Is A Overhaul Mod, Which Changes Alot Of Things | |
Pr0fWorkshopKits | Pr0f23ss0R | 1.0 | all | Adds Three Kits. Aluminium Base Kit (replaces stamina gel), Concrete Base Kit (replaces oxygen gel), Greenhouse Kit (replaces soda) | |
Precision Bow | Jimk72 | 1.1 | all | Craftable bow on the fabricator bench with a custom precision bow with scope. Scope has built in range finder and auto adjusts based off ammo used. Must have unlocked the Compound Bow talent to be able to craft! | |
Precision Bow Variants | Jimk72 | 1.0 | all | A Desert and Forest Camo remake of my Precision Bow Designed by Dist7action. He did an amazing job on the new textures for these Bows! Both are crafted on the Fabricator. | |
Precision Bow Workshop | Jimk72 | 2.1 | all | Replaces larkwell workshop bow with a custom precision bow with scope. Scope has built in range finder and auto adjusts based off ammo used. | |
Prefilled Items | Jimk72 | 1.0 | all | When liquid and oxygen containers are crafted they will come pre filled. | |
Prophet's Beyond Null EXPerience EASI | Prophet | 2.8 | w167 | Prophet's Beyond Null, Etheric Xenograft Potentia Expanding Automated System Integration, Version 2.8 Contains complete armor boost integration. Gives roughly a 40% increase to most stats, allows display above level 60. Makes Tempered Glass Strong, and aluminum on par with stone brick. Every Alteration has the boost. Droppod should have triple the capacity. Resource generators also have the boost. | |
Prophet's Fortifications | Prophet | 1.2 | w167 | The Talents Work with the fortifications | |
Prophet's Freezer Autodefrost | Prophet | 1.0 | w167 | Should remove Ice from spawning in any Device similar to the freezer, Please be advised that the freezer will not allow Ice in it anymore. | |
Prophet's Real Tempered Glass | Prophet | 1.0 | w167 | This is simply a quality of life/realism change to the Tempered Glass making it much tougher stuff | |
Prophet's Robust Explorer Fix | Prophet | 2.75 | w167 | Prophet's Fix for Robust Explorer/Healthy Maverick Traits not showing what they give | |
QolPack | Pr0f23ss0R | 1.0 | all | Adds A Few QOL Changes To Inventory, Equiment And Crafting | |
Reasonable Water | Cryorus | 1.0 | w95 | Makes water a tiny bit more reasonable and accessible by adding land based drills and more tiers | |
Reasonable Water - Flick Those Devices Add-On | Cryorus | 1.0 | w95 | Adds the ability to turn the water drills on or off with a button press just like wall torches | |
Remove G Slot Restrictions | Jimk72 | 1.0 | all | This mod allows you to place normaly G slot only items(Extractors, radars, ect) in any slot including character inventory. Really helps out the solo players! | |
SW2099-Interior_Wood_Stained_v1_w140_P | ShadowWolf2099 | 1.0 | w140 | Cherry Interior Wood Buildables | |
SW2099-Picket_Fences_v1_w140_P | ShadowWolf2099 | 1.0 | w140 | Refined Stained Wood Fences | |
Sarge_100k_Stack_Size | Sarge | 1.2 | w125 | increases stack sizes of most every item to 100,000 for easier inventory management. does not alter item weights. | |
Sarge_Basic_Saddle_Improvements | Sarge | 1.1 | w125 | improves the basic riding saddle to have more cargo space and multiple buffs to the animal it's equipped onto. | |
Sarge_Better_Backpacks | Sarge | 1.1 | w125 | adds a ''Hercules'' backpack that can be crafted which has enormous carry weight and weight reducer buffs on it. | |
Sarge_Better_Basic_Animal_Feed | Sarge | 1.1 | w125 | adds a small food consumption reduction buff and removes the spoilage timer on the basic seed & wheat animal feed. | |
Sarge_Better_Difficulty_Levels | Sarge | 1.1 | w125 | increases animal's perception range on all 3 difficulties as well as removing the 3 death limit on hard difficulty. | |
Sarge_Better_Tamed_Animals | Sarge | 1.1 | w125 | increases the xp buff for recently petted animals and raises their max level to 200 | |
Sarge_Better_Wood_Buildings | Sarge | 1.1 | w125 | adds some buffs to various wood structures as well as swapping materials on reinforced wood to using nails (from beeswax) and on interior wood to beeswax (from nails) | |
Sarge_Custom_Crafting | Sarge | 1.2 | w125 | adds a new Sarge crafting bench (anvil mesh) that the character can hand craft and a bunch of new items that can be made on the new bench. multiple new suit modules that can be crafted as well as an improved lantern and various other items. | |
Sarge_Deployable_Slots_Changes | Sarge | 1.1 | w125 | increases the slot counts in many storages and reduces slots in many craft stations making storages more useful instead of using craft stations as storages. | |
Sarge_Envirosuit | Sarge | 1.1 | w125 | modifies the basic suit to have 8 module slots as well as more storage, weight, and some buffs as well. | |
Sarge_Fish_Trap_Changes | Sarge | 1.1 | w125 | makes fish traps a little more logical and easier to craft as well as better chances on the fish they can catch. | |
Sarge_New_Foods | Sarge | 1.1 | w125 | adds fruit juices made from watermelons and berries with buffs to go with them as well as dried pumpkin as a cheap trailfood to carry with you while exploring. | |
Sarge_Non_Decaying_Animal_Carcasses | Sarge | 1.1 | w125 | animal carcasses no longer decay so you will find half eaten ones or skeletons scattered around as you wander. pairs super well with SalJam's AI Adjustments mod for increased wild animal interactions. | |
Sarge_Reinforced_Stone_Buildings | Sarge | 1.1 | w125 | adds reinforced versions of the stone structures with increased ingredient costs. | |
Sarge_Slower_Food_Spoilage | Sarge | 1.1 | w125 | increases the spoilage timers for various food items. most were roughly doubled. | |
Sarge_Stronger_Reinforced_Buildings | Sarge | 1.1 | w125 | beefs up the ''reinforced'' buff applied to buildings so that it has better health and weather resistances. | |
Sarge_Stronger_Spikey_Spikes | Sarge | 1.1 | w125 | increases the hedgehod spike damage modifier from 25% to 1000% for near instant kills. be careful! | |
Sarge_Well_Rested_XP_Buff | Sarge | 1.1 | w125 | adds a 200% experience buff to the existing well rested bonus from sleeping, incentivizing sleeping every night. | |
Scoped rifle | Jimk72 | 1.1 | all | Allows you to craft a scoped hunting rifle using the Fabricator bench. Has a 10x and 20x zoom option. | |
Semac_IcarusOverhaul | Semac | 1.52 | w80 | Changes a little of almost everything, Check Readme. BROKEN DO NOT USE | |
Semac_IcarusOverhaulExtreme | Semac | 1.53 | w83 | An Extreme version of Semac_IcarusOverhaul, Hard difficulty is turned up to 11. | |
Semac_IcarusOverhaul_Thor | Semac | 1.52 | w80 | Same as Semac_IcarusOverhaul but the Thor Dev Hammer is added. BROKEN DO NOT USE | |
Semac_Meta_Lantern | Semac | 2.00 | w83 | Replaces the Meta Bandage with a refillable Lantern (Included with the Overhaul mods). | |
Slider | Jimk72 | 1.2 | all | This is similar to my Elevator mod but creates a platform that when standing on will slide out 4 or 8 floor spots in any direction. Updated with New floor model as original was modified by Devs so I decided to use a custom floor piece from my Steel Buildables mod that will be released soon. | |
Something Fishy! | CK_Dexterhaven | 2.9 | w104 | Designed to dramatically improve fishing. Craftable in the Fishing Bench: a new rod, lure, and trap with greater recipe requirements, but improved buffs. | |
Super Stick | Apex | 3.0.160 | all | A very powerful, craftable stick. Perfect to use while AFK. Now with a craftable module variant. | |
Tactical Icebox Backpack | CK_Dexterhaven | 1.0 | w167 | This very powerful, practical backpack has all the attributes of the Larkwell-Martinez Tactical above, but also prevents your food from spoiling on long journeys. Expensive to craft on the Fabricator, but worth it! Recommended to craft two so you can keep one charging up at a Charging Station. | |
Tame_QOL | SalJam | 1.1 | all | Small changes to the mounts, to make each animal type have more defined traits. Moa is now quicker, but has 25KG weight limit. Buffalo has more speed and stamina. Increased tame time to balance. | |
Teleporter | Jimk72 | 2.3 | all | Now Added to Jimk Innovations tab! Is a workshop item that when consumed will give you a base station and a hand held controller. Once on the planet just place the teleporter base on any floor piece and when you want to return to the base just click the left mouse button when the handheld controller is equiped. You can add a second one that will be activalted by using the right mouse button. If there is an issue you can press the R key with handheld equipped to reset view. | |
Thor Hammer | Jimk72 | 1.0 | all | Replaces the workshop item Meta Soda with the thor hammer. | |
Tier 3 Electricity | Jimk72 | 1.1 | all | Moves the Biofuel generator and the spline tool to the Machining bench where it should be. | |
Usagi_Creature_Chaos_HI | KiichigoUsagi/CKDexterHaven | 1.0.0 | all | Recreation of DexterHaven's Creature Chaos | |
Venomtron | Venomtron | 76.1 | w127 | QOL mod, that changes many items to make the game less grindy See read me file for a list of changes | |
WasteNot ALL | Critical_Fail | 1.0 | w113 | all metal ores now have a 1/2/3% chance to reward Exotics as secondary resource; other ores grants more of the same material | |
WasteNot PlatTi | Critical_Fail | 1.0 | w113 | platinum and titanium ores have a 5/10/15% chance to reward Exotics as secondary resource; all other ores grant more of same material | |
WasteNot ULTIMATE | Critical_Fail | 1.0 | w113 | all metal ores have a 3/6/9% chance to reward Exotics as secondary resource; other ores grant more of same material | |
Weapons Pack 1 | Jimk72 | 1.1 | all | This gives you 2 new handguns, 2 assault rifles They are all tier 4 so require the Fabricator bench to craft. | |
Weapons Pack 2 | Jimk72 | 2.6 | all | Fixed assault rifle with scope and sniper rifle that was originaly in game.require the Fabricator bench to craft. | |
Windmill Generator | Jimk72 | 1.4 | all | Allows you to craft a windmill generator. Craftable in Machining/Fabricator Benches, Generates 5000watts. Updated for week 151! Ver 1.4 removed damage cycle! | |
Workshop Armor Kryptic Camo | Jimk72 | 1.1 | all | Replaces the workshop armor textures with custom ones that uses a green kryptic pattern. | |
Zailfyers 100 Level Cap | Zailfyer | 2.1.1 | all | Increases max level to 100 with the same scale for points | |
Zailfyers Armor | Zailfyer | 2.1.3 | all | Chnages many armor set bonuses. Refer to README for details | |
Zailfyers Arrow Recipes | Zailfyer | 1.0.0 | all | Changes arrow recipes. Refer README for more details | |
Zailfyers Backpacks | Zailfyer | 2.2.3 | all | Changes all the backpack stats and adds a new backpack. Refer to README for details | |
Zailfyers Building Alterations | Zailfyer | 2.3.3 | all | Alters Aluminum Buildings, makes scoria building stats the same as stone. Refer to README for details | |
Zailfyers Charcoal and Ash | Zailfyer | 2.2.0 | all | Makes charcoal a fuel among other changes. Refer to README for details | |
Zailfyers Deep Ore Extraction | Zailfyer | 2.2.1 | all | Deep ore deposits extract faster | |
Zailfyers Deep Ore Extraction Limited | Zailfyer | 1.1.0 | all | Deep ore deposits have limited ore (like they uesed too) and extract faster | |
Zailfyers Dropship | Zailfyer | 2.2.3 | all | Drop ship has 20 slots among other things. Refer to README for details | |
Zailfyers Energy Production | Zailfyer | 1.2.2 | all | Changed the bio fuel generator to produce 7500, the water wheel to produce 5000, and the wind turbine to produce 3000 | |
Zailfyers Envirosuits | Zailfyer | 2.2.1 | all | Changes the stats granted by most of the envirosuits. Refer to README for details | |
Zailfyers Exotics Extraction | Zailfyer | 2.4.1 | all | Changes a bunch of exotic extraction realated things. Refer to README for details | |
Zailfyers Moduals | Zailfyer | 2.1.3 | all | Changes the stats of a number of moduals and adds 2 new ones. Refer to README for details | |
Zailfyers More World Bosses | Zailfyer | 1.0.0 | all | Increases the amount of world bosses to be spawned in exploration prospects | |
Zailfyers Rebalanced Animal Loot | Zailfyer | 2.2.1 | all | Rebalances what you get from animals | |
Zailfyers Rebalanced Rewards | Zailfyer | 2.1.0 | all | Increases exotic and enzyme reward range for horde mode among other things. Refer to README for details | |
Zailfyers Red Only Extraction | Zailfyer | 1.0.0 | all | Red exotics extraction changes only. Refer to README for details | |
Zailfyers Sledgehammer Talent | Zailfyer | 1.0.0 | all | Makes the talent for pickaxe stamina cost also affect the sledgehammer. | |
Zailfyers Stacks Recipes | Zailfyer | 2.2.3 | all | Many stack counts increased, and many recipies altered. Refer README for details | |
Zailfyers Starter Kits | Zailfyer | 1.1.0 | all | Add 3 kits to the orbital workshop containing a bunch of workbenches for t3, t4, and power generators. | |
Zailfyers Unleashed Exotics | Zailfyer | 1.1.0 | all | Changed exotic spawns for explortations. there have been reports of droping in to nothing. i have not found the cause or a work aound for it yet. Refer to README for details | |
Zailfyers Workshop Tools | Zailfyer | 2.1.4 | all | Changes nearly all the workshop tools and adds a new knife, axe, and pickaxe. Refer to README for details. | |
Zailfyers_Animal_Feeds | Zailfyer | 1.1.3 | all | Adds more animal feeds. Refer to README for details | |
Zailfyers_Mount_Improvments | Zailfyer | 1.0.0 | all | Improves Terrenus and Moa mounts | |
Zombie Wolf Texture | Jimk72 | 1.0 | all | Changes the Wolfs texture to make it look like a zombie wolf. | |
laanp-BuildersDream | laanp | 1.0 | w167 | Combines a number of mods in one package, to make building your top priority. Includes: craft anything at no cost, increased crafting speeds, stack size increase, and CustomOptions(Jimk72), Teleporter(Jimk72) and Camera_Distance(JimK72) and much more! | |
laanp-CircleBuilder | laanp | 1.0 | w167 | - Circle building mod that facilitates construction of up to 48 sided circular buildings. | |
laanp-Combined_QOL | laanp | 1.0 | w167 | Combines Quality-Of-Life mods(laanp) with others... CustomOptions(Jimk72), Teleporter(Jimk72) and Clear_Photo_Lens(JimK72) | |
laanp-CurvedStairs | laanp | 1.0 | w167 | This mod will add special buildable concrete curved stairs and associated railings. | |
laanp-DrillManager | laanp | 1.0 | w167 | A unique handheld device that allows the player to remotely communicate and control deployed Resource Drills, teleport to their location, as well as teleport to any deployed portable beacon on the map. | |
laanp-FreeBuild | laanp | 1.0 | w167 | Everything is free to build at all benches. | |
laanp-GraveStones | laanp | 1.0 | w167 | Introduces (9) craftable gravestones to honour those fallen prospectors. | |
laanp-KeepTheTrees | laanp | 1.0 | w167 | Stops trees from falling down in a wind storm and from catching on fire due to lightning strikes | |
laanp-LargerDropshipSlots | laanp | 1.0 | w167 | Dropship cargo and Loadout slots increase from 15 - 30 | |
laanp-LightSwitch | laanp | 1.0 | w167 | Standalone Light Switch which has it's own internal power source. | |
laanp-MXC_Furnace | laanp | 1.0 | w167 | This mod will enhance the existing Workshop MXC Furnace to smelt like an Electric Furnace, increase smelting speed, and can be installed anywhere (inside/outside). | |
laanp-MiniFoundry | laanp | 1.0 | w167 | Creates a new Workshop item under 'Pete's Kits' called 'Pete's Mini Foundry'.A smaller version of the original that will fit in a single story building! | |
laanp-NoCaveCreatures | laanp | 1.0 | w167 | Removes Cave Worms & Bees from spawning on all prospects including Missions & Open Worlds | |
laanp-NoCaveCreaturesOW | laanp | 1.0 | w167 | Removes Cave Worms & Bees from spawning in caves on Open World propsects only (Olympus, Styx & Prometheus Maps). | |
laanp-NoFreezerIce | laanp | 1.0 | w167 | Stops ice from accumulating in the Deep Freeze (freezer) | |
laanp-NoKeas | laanp | 1.0 | w167 | Disables spawning of Keas (big parrot-like birds) | |
laanp-NoPurpleSky | laanp | 1.0 | w167 | This mod will switch the Prometheus map to replace Grasslands biomes to normal forest atmosphere colors. | |
laanp-NoSeedFatigue | laanp | 1.0 | w167 | Stops all seeded plants from experiencing 'Seed Fatigue' debuff after harvesting, and allows all crops to grow in any biome. | |
laanp-NoSwampFog | laanp | 1.0 | w167 | This mod will switch the Promethius map to replace Swamp biomes to normal forest atmosphere colors. | |
laanp-NoTreeLightningFires | laanp | 1.0 | w167 | Stops trees from catching on fire due to lightning strikes | |
laanp-NoWaterWheelJunk | laanp | 1.0 | w167 | Water wheels no longer accumulate junk. | |
laanp-NoWindFallenTrees | laanp | 1.0 | w167 | Stops trees from falling down in a wind storm | |
laanp-PetesAuxSlots | laanp | 1.0 | w167 | Provides additional auxiliary slots for any envirosuit on planet (even if the suit specs don't have any!) | |
laanp-PetesBeaconTeleport | laanp | 1.0 | w167 | Provides an interface to allow the player to teleport to any portable beacon that has been deployed on the map. | |
laanp-PetesInsaneLeveler | laanp | 1.0 | w167 | This mod allows players to level up very quickly, through use of a custom module. | |
laanp-PetesLavaCaveLord | laanp | 1.0 | w167 | This suit module enables complete damage resistance from falling in Lava, being on fire, or pneumonia and poison effects. | |
laanp-PetesMiningKit | laanp | 1.0 | w167 | Complete kit to assist the prospector with mining exotics, ores, super-cooled ice, water (with Water Borer on geyser) and volatile red exotics. | |
laanp-PetesMover | laanp | 1.0 | w167 | Custom suit module that increases base movement & sprint speed. | |
laanp-PetesResourceKiller | laanp | 1.0 | w167 | New suit module which enables 1-hit resource gathering for trees, rocks & ores. | |
laanp-PetesSeedKit | laanp | 1.0 | w167 | This mod alters the game Seed Pouch so it will have 30 slots. It also adds a custom seed pouch in the Workshop, pre-filled with (5) each of all the seeds found in the game. | |
laanp-PetesTrees | laanp | 1.0 | w167 | New craftable, deployable trees for your base! | |
laanp-PowerSurge | laanp | 1.0 | w167 | All power generating devices modified to provide 50k power output. | |
laanp-RealLevels | laanp | 1.0 | w167 | Shows real player XP level | |
laanp-RefinedWoodEndCaps | laanp | 1.0 | w167 | Provides end caps for Interior Wood Beams (Closed and Boxed variations). | |
laanp-RespawnResourcesOW | laanp | 1.0 | w167 | Resets all Open World resources in Olympus, Styx & Prometheus maps. Use this mod to reset your mines, ore nodes, trees & rocks. | |
laanp-StacksAndKits | laanp | 1.0 | w167 | This mod is designed for Icarus players who want to keep the experience intact but like some of the other quality of life aspects of my other mods, specifically the some starter kits in Pete's Kits Workshop items. | |
laanp-StoneWoodInterior | laanp | 1.0 | w167 | Changes stone building pieces to have interior wood on the inside, stone on the outside. | |
laanp-WorkshopFree | laanp | 1.0 | w167 | All items in the Workshop are free. Go crazy! |