By laanp
v1.0 / w144
Last Updated on September 06, 2024


Mod Version: 1

Compatible with Icarus Version: Rev. (Week: 144)


Stops trees from falling down in a wind storm and from catching on fire due to lightning strikes

Mod Details:

  • Eliminates trees from falling down due to high winds in a storm.
  • Removes all trees from catching fire, due to lightning strikes in a storm.
  • Lightning strikes will still occurr and can damage players and buildings.
  • The forest can still burn! (with dropped torches or fire arrows).

Installation Details

Client (Local) machine:

Make sure Icarus has been shutdown,
Place all your mod files (*.pak) in the game mods folder located here:

(drive):\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Icarus\Icarus\Content\Paks\mods

if the ...\mods directory does not exist, create it.

If you are playing multiplayer where one person is hosting, Use the exact same mods
on everyone's PC, or else run the risk of weird stuff happening.
Usually the hosting player settings/mods will override anything running on the local client machine(s), but match the mods to stay out of trouble.

Dedicated Server machine:

Make sure Icarus has been shutdown,
Place all your mod files (*.pak) in the dedicated server game mods folder located here:


NOTE - Replace (drive):<IcarusServerFolder>\ with the applicable location you installed your Icarus Dedicated Server app.

if the ...\mods directory does not exist, create it.

Use the exact same mods on both server and client machine or else run the risk of weird stuff happening.
Usually the server settings/mods will override anything running on the local client machine(s), but match the mods to stay out of trouble.


I have been playing with these mods for quite some time now, with no problems... having said that:
- Backup and save all user data before installing or using any mods.
- Use at your own risk.
- This mod was designed as standalone, and may not be compatible with other mods.
- Ensure you are running the latest version of this mod with the latest version of Icarus. Hint: the w77 in the mod file name means mod is compatible
with Week 77 Icarus release. The _v1...2 etc in the mod file name refers to mod enhancements or fixes within the same week release.
- Feel free to drop me any ideas for mod changes/suggestions.
- Feel free to re-distribute this mod provided recipients are directed to this Readme for mod credits and are aware of this Disclaimer and Known Bugs
- Feel free to unpack and reassemble with your modding tools, but if repacking and distributing, remove my "laanp" name from any distribution material,
and make sure you acknowledge credit to any contributing modders.

How To Contact Me:

Enjoy Prospectors!